Our plans are still evolving - very soon they will be ready to reveal. We are excited. Even more so ... soon.
Photo location: Melina Resort, Tioman Island, Malaysia.
APartment Minding
From Auckland to Shanghai we'll mind things for you. No need to leave staff in charge; we'll be live-in minders.
Pets, plants, any routines to be kept up - we will do that for you ... and more.
We seek to give you guaranteed peace of mind. With a strong belief in the sharing economy let us figure out a way to make this 'work for you' at the most economical rates possible.
Full services description soon.
Note: This is not a house swap, or house-minding mega site where it is anything but personal. We KEEP the personal in everything we do.
Social Media
We have extensive experience in channel management and activity across all current platforms.
Keep it simple, keep it effective.
Plans. Strategies. You.
Let's talk ... we'll be ready to begin services shortly.
We're still putting finishing touches to our portfolio of services.
Stay tuned.
Sites which we really like that may help you meantime -
TailoredTasmania: Curated experiences, touring, accommodation, coffee and dining in Tasmania.
Need stylish accommodation in the heart of Battery Point, Hobart? Go to loftbatterypoint.com, you won’t find better!